Alignment, Balance, Flow, Contrast, repetition, Emphasis.
I used flow to connect each pictures same as how I placed blue, green and red dots behind of General Catalog. Every words in the design spaced half inches from outline for balance of design. White color top of Red background makes letters and logo Emphasis. Color changing of Green, Red and Grey, desaturation, makes contrast each pictures in design. Its not much going on with repetition because if you using too much repetition it could make my design bored easliy. Only little part of repetition on the letter General Catalog for not getting boared. I tried use simple box shape on design for showing alignment and balance. Changing the shape of pictures are fun part of design, for me and hope for you. In my design, meaning is the relationship of BCC people. I use other colors and random placement of pictures and shapes to show they work well together. They "work well together" like a good relationship.